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Secondary School Humanities Teacher

Stamford American School Hong Kong

This school is based in Kowloon, Hongkong and is looking for a Secondary School Humanities Teacher

Position Objective
The role of the Secondary School Humanities Teacher is essentially to build and maintain a successful Secondary School program within the school by providing an educational atmosphere conducive to learning and developing through the process of inquiry

● To develop trusting and effective relationships with the all the students in the classes and their parents
● To establish supportive, collaborative, and positive working relationships with all other members of staff
● To become a positive presence across the whole school and a representative of it within its wider community

Educational role:
● Developing and executing the preparation, planning and delivery of student-centered learning activities for the student in the class
● Being a facilitator in the classroom and taking an interactive role with students
● Using a range and balance of teaching strategies
● Grouping strategies using a variety of different learning situations, including whole class, small group, partner work and individual work; at desks, on the floor, etc.
● Viewing students as thinkers with their own emerging theories
● Building on what students know, and differentiating to meet student needs
● Ensuring that the classroom environment is well-managed, properly ordered and neatly presented
● Planning to ensure that ‘students achieve more than they think they can’, by collecting and using data such as MAP scores, and other formative and summative assessments
● Planning which emphasizes connections among curriculum areas and explicitly focuses on trans-disciplinary skills
● Planning which accommodates a range of ability levels and learning styles; teachers are expected to modify and accommodate for students as needed, i.e. accommodating individual language needs (EAL), student support services, students who are struggling as well as students who need more of a challenge
● Planning in a collegial and professional manner with peers, showing respect, being prepared and on time, and adhering to the school wide meeting norms and team’s essential agreements at all times
● Involving students, parents and colleagues in the assessment process on a regular basis and as appropriate
● Involving students in shared reflection during, and at the end of, each unit, on a consistent basis
● Evaluating the program collaboratively with teaching partners, and parents and students as appropriate, using agreed flexible systems

Extended professional role:
Contributing towards the whole-school team spirit by taking every opportunity to promote the philosophy and policies of the
Stamford American School Hong Kong
● Taking responsibility for the class during times of emergency
● Supervising the children at break/lunch and other unstructured times
● Ensuring that the children are safe and secure at all times
● Communicating regularly and positively with parents via timely meetings, class webs, reports and conferences
● Coordinating parent meetings where appropriate to review a students’ progress


Position Requirements
● At least 3 years of experience in working with children as a teacher with relevant qualifications
● Possess highly developed interpersonal and teamwork skills.
● Excellent verbal and written English skills
● Excellent references on request
● Proficient in using computers
● Proficiency in testing and reporting systems
● Experience with and knowledge of co-teaching

● Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Education or equivalent is required.
● Master’s degree in Education
● IBDP experience for teachers teaching IBDP courses
● SIOP trained

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