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MYP/DP English Teacher, Bloomingdale International School, India

Bloomingdale International School

This school is based in Vijayawada, India and is looking for a MYP/DP English Teacher

Our philosophy is simple — hire a team of diverse, passionate people and foster a culture that empowers you to do your best work.

**This position is for experienced IB Faculty***

The school will prioritize the allocation of each teacher’s core subjects first before assigning him or her with non-core or other subjects such as SDL, Clubs, School Team, Substitute Teaching or Remedial Lessons to fulfill the required teaching load.


Each Secondary School Teacher is accountable for:

  • Study IB philosophy and get familiar with MYP or DP curriculum, including the syllabus, written curriculum, taught curriculum and assessment. Complete the unit plan and assessment tasks to meet individual, group and program needs
  • Attend the collaborative planning, flag-raising ceremony and other important events/activity as required. Ask for leave in advance by completing the leave form and provide the lesson plan for the substitute
  • Meets required deadlines, including timely preparation of unit plans, assessment task, exams, report card grades, comments
  • Plan each lesson carefully and engage all the students in the teaching activities
  • Provide office hours for students every week; Give support to some students in special needs
  • Assess the students work with MYP or DP criteria, provide both formative and summative assessment record
  • Report and communicate with the parents and counselors about the students performance regularly. Guide the students to collect their work or develop a portfolio to show their progress. Students work will be shown at the end of the semester and the parents conference.
  • Take part in the professional development actively, log in Programme Resources Center often and study the IB updated documents, collaborate and share with the other teachers. Make research of teaching and submit the summary, research paper or essay at the end of the semester
  • Exhibits a professional manner in appearance, voice, and demeanor and serves as a positive role model for students and colleagues
  • Demonstrate team-work, respect others and resolve conflicts in a positive way
  • Take other responsibilities, such as, supervise the students during break time, proctoring the test, be a substitute when another teacher asks for leave, be the judges during the sports games, attend the parents conference, students enrollment interview, school open house, and some big events of department or school
  • Be the Community Project supervisor or EA supervisor
  • Create a safe and comfortable learning environment for students, manage the classroom property and report for repair whenever necessary
  • Learn and use the technology as required, such as, Power-school, gradebook, Manage-Bac, Destiny, OA, etc.
  • Provide recommendation letter for students when needed



Each MYP/DP Teacher is accountable for:

  • Planning collaboratively for student learning
  • Planning which is based on agreed student learning outcomes, in the context of the school-wide programme
  • Involving students in planning for their own learning and assessment
  • Planning work which builds on students’ prior knowledge and experience
  • Planning significant units of inquiry, to be explored in depth
  • Addressing assessment issues through the planning process
  • Planning work which emphasizes connections between and among curriculum areas
  • Planning work which accommodates a range of ability levels



Each MYP/DP Teacher is accountable for:

  • Using a range and balance of teaching strategies
  • Creating a stimulating classroom environment
  • Grouping strategies using a variety of different learning situations
  • Viewing students as thinkers with their own emerging theories
  • Building on what students bring to the learning experience in the way of prior understanding, knowledge and skills
  • Using a variety of resources representing multiple perspectives
  • Empowering students to feel responsible and to take action
  • Involving students actively in their own learning
  • Pursuing open-ended inquiry and real life investigations
  • Maintaining constant awareness of the needs of the children to whom English is a second language
  • Addressing the individual needs of students with different levels and types of abilities
  • Devoting extra time to students who may be struggling academically or who may need further challenging
  • Ensuring that children with learning differences are provided with appropriate programmes
  • Delivering the curriculum as relevant to the age and subject/s that you teach
  • The attainment, progress and outcomes of students taught
  • Being aware of students’ capabilities, their prior knowledge and planning teaching and differentiation as appropriate
  • Demonstrating an understanding of and taking responsibility for promoting high standards of literacy
  • Ensuring the documentation of curricula units and lesson plans on ManageBac and within the timelines set forth by the administration
  • Use the learner profile to guide the appropriate student development of internal control and self-confidence



Each MYP/DP Teacher is accountable for:

  • Viewing planning, teaching and assessing as interconnected processes
  • Using an appropriate range of observation, assessment, monitoring and recording strategies as a basis for setting challenging learning objectives for students and monitoring students’ progress and levels of attainment
  • Making accurate and productive use of assessment to secure students’ progress
  • Giving pupils regular feedback, both orally and through accurate marking, and encourage students to respond to the feedback, reflect on progress, their emerging needs and to take a responsible and conscientious attitude to their own work and study
  • Using relevant data to monitor progress, set targets, and plan subsequent lessons
  • Setting homework and plan other out-of-class activities to consolidate and extend the knowledge and understanding students have acquired as appropriate
  • Maintaining students’ individual records of achievement
  • Involving students, parents and colleagues in the assessment process
  • Involving students in shared reflection during and at the end of each unit of inquiry
  • Evaluating the programme collaboratively, using approved, flexible systems
  • Enabling students to see assessment as a means of describing their learning
  • Assessing the levels of students’ current experience and understanding before embarking on new learning


Professional appraisal and development

Each MYP/DP Teacher is accountable for:

  • Active participation in constructive professional appraisal based directly on the points in this job description, thus continually working to improve learning for students
  • Reading good professional literature on a regular basis
  • Utilizing any professional development allowances granted, in order to grow and develop professionally
  • Actively seeking professional development in any of the above points which are considered by either the teacher or the administration as being factors in need of strengthening


Behaviour and Safety

  • Establishing a safe, purposeful and stimulating environment for students, rooted in mutual respect and establish a framework for discipline with a range of strategies, using praise, sanctions and rewards consistently and fairly
  • Managing classes effectively, using approaches which are appropriate to students’ needs in order to inspire, motivate and challenge pupils
  • Maintaining good relationships with students and exercising appropriate authority
  • Being a positive role model and demonstrating consistently the IB learner profile traits and attitudes
  • Having high expectations of behaviour, promoting self-control and independence of all learners
  • Carrying out west gate, playground and other duties as directed
  • Being responsible for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and young people within the school, raising any concerns following school protocol/procedures


Team work and collaboration

  • Participating in any relevant meetings/professional development opportunities at the school, which relate to the learners, curriculum or organization of the school including pastoral arrangements and assemblies
  • Working as a team member and identifying opportunities for working with colleagues and sharing the development of effective practice with them
  • Contributing to the selection and professional development of other teachers and support staff including the induction and assessment of new teachers
  • Ensuring that colleagues working with you are appropriately involved in supporting learning and understand the roles they are expected to fulfill
  • Taking part as required in the review, development and management of the activities relating to the curriculum, organization and pastoral functions of the school
  • Covering for absent colleagues
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